RXDMR Whiskey

RXDMR Whiskey

Designated Marksman Rifle Management

Operating your DM rifle in a kinetic environment requires a mastery of the platform’s function, challenges, and idiosyncrasies.  There is a diversity of options available when it comes to rifle selection for DMR application.  Whatever cartridge you are running, whether it be a 5.56 NATO, 7.62 NATO, 5.45×39 or 7.62×39 M43, driving and properly setting up the rifle it is available in will be very important.  It doesn’t matter if you are running an AR-15, AR-10, FN SCAR, G3, M1A, or even your reconfigured hunting DMR bolt action rifle, there are basic procedures of equipment management that need to be solidified to master the DMR skillset.  In this 1-day course, Rex Defense training cadre will get you squared away with whatever rifle you will be running!  

Course Prerequisites:

  • Full Citizenship: United States of America